Unless you poor, unfortunate souls have been living under a rock without wifi, cable, or possibly even something as old fashioned as a newspaper, you should be aware that we are moving towards the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States of America on January 20, 2017. Regardless of political leanings, there was probably surprise in learning polling results, as forecasts fumbled with several wrong calls. After fumbles like that, people want someone – or something – to blame for being caught off guard by the election’s outcome. Did “big data” fail us? Was it used incorrectly, or even not at all? Read More
The year is drawing quickly to a close, and the holiday season had us scrambling; both in and out of work. We craved a quicker ticking of the clock, and wheedled with our support teams to get their reports turned in early, so that projects may be completed, so that time may be enjoyed again. As 2016 grinds to a halt, we look to 2017 for hope; a reboot, another chance, the perfect do-over for the mistakes or regrets in the current year. We all know the drill. Unlike our best intentions to eat healthier, give up smoking, or whatever the shtick is this time around to be a better person, we know that at least the digital world is going to keep on growing and changing regardless. Read More
Alright folks, let’s chat. By show of virtual hands (likes), how many of you are challenged by your organization’s inability to produce useful information in real-time to better serve your clients, partners and team members?
Fortunately, the future thrives on brainpower, and the wonderful world of programming can create real-time analytics that provide the answers you need now. Not stale reporting at a faster rate, but fresh, current information as it happens. Read More